Barn Painting PLUS

Call on us for all your painting and finishing needs.

We'll not only properly prepare your surfaces by power washing (to remove debris, mold & mildew if visible), hand scraping, sanding (for deep scraping), putty & caulking, surface repair and priming, board replacements, carpentry repairs, we will also protect with masking and coverings. If requested, we also provide a low VOC Painting (volatile organic compounds that are not harmful to the environment and humans). Fixings and replacements will vary in areas depending on damage and repair needed. Applying premium grade Primer/Sealer to surface areas and spot prime any re-sanded surfaces. Apply finish coat of premium paint and/or to trim work. Finally, consultation to ensure satisfaction.  We'll be happy to provide a detailed, written estimate at no cost or obligation.

Contact Details:
Company Name : Mike Obermayer
Phone:    5196716599
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